STARCOM21 Statewide Illinois

Site: Clinton County

Unique DB ID: 13931
County: Clinton

5/24 - The County has applied for VHF Simulcast P25 sites trunked system. 
It is unknown if it will connect to SC21.  See the WIKI for more information.

Talkgroup Category Location Data

Latitude: 38.5954 Longitude: -89.4232 Range: 18.85240196528 Type: Defined Coverage


DEC HEX Mode Alpha TagDescriptionTag
79011eddDClinton Law 1Sheriff/Rural Law: Dispatch [Law 1] (Patch 154.875)Law Dispatch
79021edeDClinton Law 2Sheriff/Rural Law [Law 2]Law Dispatch
79031edfDClinton Law c2cSheriff/Rural Law: Car-CarLaw Tac
79041ee0DClinton Shf Tac1Sheriff: Tac 1Law Tac
79051ee1DClinton Shf Tac2Sheriff: Tac 2Law Tac
79061ee2DClinton Shf Tac3Sheriff: Tac 3Law Tac
79071ee3DClinton FirePageFire/EMS: PagingFire Dispatch
79081ee4DClinton FireMainFire: Dispatch / Ops (Patched with 155.7225)Fire Dispatch
79091ee5DClinton EMS Ops1EMS: Ops 1EMS-Tac
79101ee6DClinton EMS Ops2EMS: Ops 2EMS-Tac
79111ee7DClinton EMS 7911EMS: OpsEMS-Tac
80111f4bDClinton Emerg 1Emergency 1Multi-Dispatch
80121f4cDClinton Co CallCounty CallingInterop
80131f4dDClinton Common1County Common 1Interop
80141f4eDClinton Common2County Common 2Interop
80151f4fDNew Baden C/WNew Baden: CitywideMulti-Tac
80161f50DNewBaden PD c2cNew Baden Police: Car-to-CarLaw Talk
80171f51DNewBaden EMS c2cNew Baden EMS: Car-to-CarEMS-Talk
80181f52DNewBaden FD c2cNew Baden Fire: Car-to-CarFire-Talk